Tag Archives: DIY PLANTERS

Creative Planters Have you ever notice that flowers can bring a special charm and elegance to our daily lives in a simple and natural way? Most people like to have a beautiful planter at home! It can be in a

DIY Natural Garden Planters Looking at most of gardens, it´s common to find that traditional planters made of plastic, ceramic, concrete or any other artificial material. In most of gardens they call the attention for their creative shapes and decorative

Unusual Planter Decorations How many computers or cellphones have you had in your life? How much time do you think it is necessary to replace them for a new one? What do you do with your electronics when you don´t

DIY Garden Ideas Having a green area to plant your vegetables and flowers at home is something that not everybody can have. Nowadays popular houses are smaller than it used to be and gardens are disappearing in most of them.