10 Creative Lego Inspired Objects

One of the most famous toys brand in the world is increasingly overtaking the barrier of kids ‘room and becoming inspiration for lots of different objects and gadgets in the modern life. Lego has thousands of fans around the world and they definitely are not only kids! If you are one of them, have a look in these fascinating andcreative objects inspired in traditional Lego pieces. Some of them are produced for the own brand and other ones only took the inspiration but either original or not, all of them are very creative and cool!

1) Lego Clocks

If you are looking for a nice clock to wake you up in the morning this is the right choice! This Lego plastic alarm brick clock can fit in any room, kids and adults.


10 Creative Lego Inspired Objects 1

2) Lego Utensils

Having problems in your kids eating time? Make it funnier with these utensils inspired in their favorite toy! These silicone knife, fork and spoon can be attached at each other and cleaned easily!


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3) Lego Jewelry

Both for young girls and casual women these cute Lego inspired jewelriesare colorful and fun! Give a fashion look to any outfit wearing these modern and different accessories.


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4) Lego Ice Tray

These silicone ice trays are perfect not only for making cute ice cubes but also jello and chocolate candies with the format of Lego pieces. Let your parties and snack time funnier with this fantastic utensil.


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5)Lego Watches

Colorful and cute, these watches will delight any kind of kids. Choose the best model and let them have fun with their hours!


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6) Lego IPhone Cases

Transform your cellphone in a big Lego brick with these cool and colorful cases. Be creative and build different figures on its back and give a new look for your phone every day!


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7) Lego USB Bricks

If you are a computer geek and a Lego fan at same time you can join these two passions in one object. Flash drives and USB multipliersare nicer now with these colorful and Lego shape format.


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8) Lego Bags

Shaped as huge Lego bricks these bags can come in different sizes, styles and colors. From a backpack for cool boys to handbags for fashion girls it is sure they will make success wherever you take them.


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9) Lego Digital Cameras

Made especially for kids (since their resolution and memory are not so high), these digital cameras are perfect to stimulate the creative side of kids and at same time give them something that they will like to play.


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10) Lego Salt & Pepper Shakers

Transform your eating time in a fun moment with these creative salt and pepper shakers. Choose your favorite one and spice your food with them!


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