Intelligent Tips for Parents

Kids bring the happiness to our life but they also come with lots of work! To help you in your parenting life we selected veryuseful life hacks that will make your life (and also your kids’ life) much easier and also protect the little ones.

Laundry Basket in the Bath

Use a laundry basket inside the bath in the shower time. This will prevent your baby from sinkingand it will also keep the toys together near him.


Cupcake Liner and Popsicle

Everybody knows the mess kids can do while they are enjoying a popsicle. Clothes, floor, car, house… everything will be dirty before they even finish it. So a nice idea isputting a cupcake liner under the popsicle to hold the drops.


Anti-Monster Spray

Some kids can give their parents lots of work during the sleep time due their fear of monsters. A nice idea to help them fight with this is creating an Anti-Monster Spray. Make a nice bottle, put some water in and give to your kids before they sleep. This might help them!


Shampoo Bottle on the Tap

Are your kids too small to wash their hand without any help? If the problem is the size of the sink you can make the tap longer using an empty shampoo bottle. Open the bottom of the bottle and attach it to the tap. Now your kids can be more independent.


Stickers Inside Shoes

Another life hack to make your kids more independent is placing stickers inside their shoes. It will be easier for them to realize which shoe is in which foot. You will see how they won’t change the sides anymore.


Relaxing Bottle

If you have really active kids, a way to calm down them before sleeping is making a relaxing sensory bottlefor (see how to do it here: type of bottles catch the kids attention and make them feel calmer due to the slow movement of the things inside.


Car Organizer

A nice way too keep your car organizedwhen you have kids is using something like these organizers full of pockets that we attach to the car seat. They are perfect because they don’t take space in the car and you can store lots of things: toys, extra clothes, nappies, wet towels, water…


Identification Bracelet

This is something every kid should wear before going to crowded public places. If you are going to beach, park, shopping center… you should place an identification bracelet on your kid’s armwith some useful information: name, parents name and telephone number. If you don’t have one you can also write directly in your kids’ arm and apply a base coat nail polish on top to fix it.


Pool Noddle Door Stopper

No locked kids or hurt fingers anymore with this simple idea. Use a piece of pool noddle as a door stopperto prevent your kids from being locked inside a room or crashing the door on their little hands.


Pool Noodle on the Bed

Another creative use for pool noodles is placing them on the edges of your kids’ bed. This will prevent them from falling down during their sleep during their transition time from crib to bed.


Anti-Slippery Shoes

Protect your little ones from falling down and hurting themselves applying some hot glue or dimensional fabric paint under their slippery shoes or socks. Your kids will feel safer to play and you more relaxed.


Parking Pal Car Sticker/Magnet

Let your kids in a safe place while you are putting the shopping bags inside the car! Put aparking pal stickeron the lateral of your car and teach them to don’t remove their hands until you say they can! This will make the thing more fun and avoid them running in car parks.


Glasses with Magnets

You can give more autonomy to your kids gluing a magnet on a plastic cupand placing it on the fridge. They won’t need your help anymore when they want to drink water and you will have less work. But be sure the magnets are well glued!


Fitted Sheet on the Beach

Going to the beach will small kids is not easy. They usually put their hand on the sand and after that on their mouth and eyes, making a mess and even hurting themselves. A nice way to protect them without holding them on your arms all day is using a fitted sheet. This will give more freedom to the kids (and to you) and you will feel more relaxed.


Cleaning Toys Easily

Toys are something that should be cleaned regularly since the kids are always with them. Usually they put their toys on the floor, on the grass, inside the pool, and then on their mouths. An easy and fast way to clean many toysis using your dishwasher or washing machine (for this second option use a washing bag to not damage the machine).
