Computer Gadgets

Do you spend most of your day (and night) in front of the computer? Can´t you stay one day without it? So you are probably a computer freak! Whether for work or just to have fun, spending hours in front of the computer is becoming more and more common in people daily life. Consequently, different and creative gadgets to be used while you are connected are popping up and bringing more comfort and convenience for people. If staying in front of computer is something you do a lot, you should check out these intelligent computer gadgets.

1) USB Drink Cooler & Warmer

Usually the partner for those who spend lots of time in front of the computer is a big cup of coffee or tea. But how to keep them hot without going to the kitchen all the time? Just connect a drink cooler/warmer in your computer and let it do all the job! You will have iced coke or hot chocolate until they finish.

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6 Essential Gadgets for Computer Freaks 1

2) USB Hand Warmer

Cold nights in front of the computer are usually the most difficult ones. You can be covered from feet to head but your hands are usually outside on the keyboard or mouse, suffering with the low temperatures. To solve this problem it was invented the USB hand warmer. Just plug it in your computer and let your hands comfortably warmed inside it!


6 Essential Gadgets for Computer Freaks 2

3) USB Massage

After hours in front of the computer it is almost inevitable don´t have a pain in your back or neck. Long time in the same position (most of the times a wrong one) can be harmful for your body and even mind. To relieve a bit of the tension you can connect a USB massage device and relax a bit without going out of the computer.

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4) USB Computer Fan

Summer time and no air conditioning at home? No problem! These small but powerful USB fans can chill you even in very hot days! Feeling cool will help you to work better and enjoy more your hours in front of the computer!


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5) USB Diffuser

If you are adept of aromatherapy you will love this idea: USB diffuser for scented oils! Relax a bit with some chamomile scent or improve your concentration with lemon scent. Pour some drops of your favorite oil on the diffuser and connected it in your computer. Soon you will start feeling the good smell in the air.

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6) USB Computer Lamps

Essential gadgets for most of people, especially the ones who share the room with other ones, USB lampscan help you while working during the night. Don´t lose time anymore trying to read papers or see your keyboard. Simplify your life!

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