Make Space At Home

Wasting space at home is out of question! Big or small, we always need make the most of the places we have in our house to create an organized and clean atmosphere. With time, it is common people accumulate furniture and objects inside home affecting not only the decoration of the house but the organization. However, this problem can be solved with some creative and simple ideas that you can do by yourself at home. In this post we will show eight great tips that will help people who live in small flats or big houses saving lots of space from the bedroom to the balcony.

1) Storing Inside The Cabinet Door

Cabinet doors are perfect to keep small things. Use some hooks, bars or organizers to store things from kitchen to bathroom. Cleaning supplies, pan covers, cans, hair products… everything well stored and safe from kids and accidents.

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2) Using The Stairs

If you love in a two floor house you can use the stair space to store things. Use the steps to make some drawers or make lots of them in that empty space under the stairs. This is perfect to store shoes, books, tools and many other things that are usually lost around the house.

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3) Pinned Jars Under Shelves

No space in the cupboard for all the spices? Pin some jars under shelves or cupboards. You can also use the same idea in the bathroom to store toiletries or in the office to store craft materials.

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4) Storages Under The Bed

If you have lots of space under the bed why don´t taking advantage of it? Use some boxes, baskets and even drawers to store objects under your bed. Shoes, blankets, toys and even books can be out of sight and well-kept with this creative idea.

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5) More Space In The Closet

Lots of clothes and not enough space? If you are having problems in placing all of your clothes inside your closet you will love this simple and really cheap idea. Use soda pop tabs to offset hangers together and save more space in your closet. Now you will be able to hang all your coats without problem

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6) Hooks Inside The Cupboards

A great idea to store all your cups, mugs and glasses is using hooks inside your cabinets. You can also buy some organizers that will work the same way as the hooks and will kept your glasses safe and organized.

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7) Vertical Planters

If you like plants and want to have a garden at home but don´t have much space you can try some vertical planters. They are great and work really well for small gardens and balconies. If you want to know how to do them click here

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8) Shoes On The Wall

If you have a free wall in your closet you can place some bars or pieces of wood to hang your shoes on it. This will make you free of all that boxes and messy shoes on the floor besides keeping them safe from damages.

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