DIY On Eggs

Eggs are eaten all around the world and loved for most of people. Boiled or fried, they supply all essential amino acids for humans, and provide several vitamins and minerals to our body. If you ask most of people what is the easiest food to prepare you will surely hear the word: eggs! Really simple and tasty this food is found in many dishes and recipes, but do you know how to prepare an egg in a creative and funny way? In this post we will show you how to improve your cooking skills and bring joy for meal time!

Shapingfried eggs

Hearts, stars, flowers, circles and even guns! The options are uncountable and you can find omelet molds for any occasions. A surprise Valentine´s day breakfast with a heart shaped egg on a toast will impress anyone! You can find these creative tools in many sites on internet in shopping sites as E-bay or Amazon.

Shapingfried eggs

Improvising:However, if you can´t have these tools or if you want something more creative you can use some types of food to shape your egg while it´s frying. A large onion ring can give you a circle shaped egg or you can use pepper rings to transform it in a flower. If it´s a romantic meal you can open a sausage and give it a heart shape holding a toothpick on the top of it, then it´s just break your egg inside and let it fry. For breakfast time the best idea is fry an egg inside a toast, it´s just make a hole in its center (or use a cookie cutter to make it more precise and natty) and put the egg in there! Creativity will be your nickname!

Shapingfried eggs

Shaping Boiled Eggs

Yes! You can also shape boiled eggs! If you are not found of frying eggs and prefer the light version of it you can also be creative! Molds for boiled eggs is already in the market and you can find them in different shapes (and prices!). Kids will love thesemolds as they come in shapes as cars, hearts, fishes and other animals. What about a square egg? Yes, it is possible too! Imagine how creative and funny will be your dishes decorated with square eggs!

Shaping boiled eggs

Improvising:In the kitchen there is always room for improvisation! If you don’t have the molds to shape your eggs this is not a problem! You can create many different figures with a hard-boiled egg! Boats, rabbits, chicks, flowers, hearts…. It´s just use your imaginations and be creative!

– Boats: Cut your hard-boiled egg in two to make the boa and some peppers cut in triangles to make the sails. Use a toothpick to join them!

– Chicks: Cut the white part of the egg in a zigzag. Remove the bellow part and use the yolk as the chicks face, use a bit of carrot for the beat and peppercorns or sesame seeds for the eyes.

– Mushrooms: Cut cherry tomatoes in two, remove the seeds and put on a hard-boiled egg. Sprinkle some feta cheese to make it charming!

– Rabbits: Use two hard-boiled eggs, one for the body and one for the head. Join them with a toothpick and use ham to create the arms, legs and ears!

Shaping boiled eggs