Christmas Ornaments

It´s Christmas time and you are looking for something different to decorate your house but at same time you are short of money?

Don´t worry! We selected some creative and cheap ideas for you to transform your old ornaments in beautiful new ones in some simple steps. Have a look in these options and choose the ones you most like!

Use some old CDs and DVDs you have at home to transform your Christmas ornaments in little disco balls. Use a sharped knife to cut the CDs in small pieces and use hot glue to attach them on your old ornaments. I am sure when your turn the lights on your Christmas tree, it will shine.

Christmas Balls

What can be cheaper than sequins? And the effect is amazing! Use some Styrofoam balls as the base for your Christmas ornament and use pins to attach the sequins to them! When you finish the entire surface you will have an amazing decoration for your Christmas tree!

Christmas Balls (2)

If you have some strings left over at home you can use them to change the look of your Christmas ornaments. Apply some hot glue or fabric glue in the ornament surface and start rolling the string carefully covering all the background. You can use different colors in the same ornament to give a fun look to it!

Christmas Balls (3)

Everybody has a piece of fabric unused somewhere in the house. You can cut it in small pieces and use to cover a Styrofoam ball creating new colorful Christmas ornaments. Use pins, as in the sequins projects, to attach the pieces of fabric on the ball and a piece of ribbon to hang them on the Christmas tree! Cozy and colorful idea!

Christmas Balls (4)

What can be cheaper than old paper? Use old magazines pages or used wrapping paper to create cheap and beautiful Christmas ornaments. Chose the paper you want to use and make a thin roll with it. Use tape to glue the edges and make it firm. Then start gluing the paper around your Styrofoam ball using hot glue. Simple and almost free!

Christmas Balls (5)