Fruits and Chocolate

Have you ever tasted a better combination than the chocolate sweetness mixed with the mild bitterness of fruits? Probably not! The combination of chocolate and fruits it’s not something new and it´s a perfect suggestion to be served in different occasions as parties, dinners, picnics, barbecues, cocktails…. In this post we are going to give you some creative and easy ideas to serve your favorite fruit combine with chocolate in a unique and original way!

Fruits Lollipop

This idea is perfect for cocktails and informal parties as picnics, barbecues and kids birthdays. Choose the fruits you are going to use and cut them (approximately 1 inch thick). For this idea the best fruits to be used are: kiwis, apples, pineapples and bananas (this one you must cut in the middle). Jab a popsicle stick or half of bamboo skewer in the fruit and reserve. Melt 1 cup of your favorite chocolate (dark, white, bitter) and ½ cup of coconut oil in a double boiler. Wait until the chocolate cool to room temperature and then deep the fruit in the mixture (it will immediately turn crispy). You can decorate yourlollipopwith chocolate sprinkles, grated coconut or other kind of chocolate!

Fruits lollipop

Stuffed Fruits

Easy and tasty why not fill your favorite fruit with a delicious chocolate cream? Strawberries, bananas and apples are perfect to been used in this idea and they match perfectly with melted chocolate, chocolate mousse, chocolate ice cream or Nutella. If you are going to use apples, cut them in the middle and remove most of the pulp transforming them in a tray. For the strawberries you will also need to remove the middle part and fill with your chocolate choice (use an icing bag to help you). The bananas are a bit more laborious since you need to make a hole in it really carefully to not damage the fruit. These ones must be consumed really fast too because they get dark easily.

Stuffed fruits

Fruits Skewers

Perfect to match different types of fruits, this idea is one of the most famous in parties. If you have small fruits as strawberries, grapes and blackberries, you will only need to stick them directly in the skewer. But you can also use bigger ones cut in pieces: pineapples, bananas, kiwis, mangos… After you fill your skewer you need to melt the chocolate (1 cup of your favorite chocolate and ½ cup of coconut oil in a double boiler). Wait until it be cool and deep the skewers in the mixture (they will immediately crispy). If you prefer the chocolate melted you can use it with a chocolate fondue pan! Simple and tasty!

Fruits Skewers