DIY Garden Ideas

Well cared gardens can transform any house in a joyful place to be in. Relax in a peaceful and prettygarden is something that all of us should do once in a while. Plants, flowers, vegetables, trees are common things in them since they are part of natural world. However, a garden can also incorporate man-made materials to make it more creative and elegant.

The purpose of a garden is really important when you decide to create one. The kind of plants you will use can affect the disposal and dynamic of your garden. If you will use ornamental plants or vegetables to be consumed, how much sunlight does your garden receive and what species of plants will you have there (big ones or small ones) are some things we need take in consideration before start a project.

However, it doesn´t matter what kind of garden do you want, there is always room for creativity and irreverence. In this post we will show you some ideas to transform your garden in a magic and lovely place to be in. Using some old and broken objects and furniture that are thrown in some corner of your house will help you create an innovative and original garden to your home.Also you cen see somecreative DIY garden ideas here.

Old Chairs

They are amazing objects to place your plants and flowers. Of course you will need a pot to be the base for your plant or you can remove the part where you sit and fix a net or any other material that can sustains the soil and the plant. Old chairsgive a really elegant and lovely feeling and if you don´t like the color you can paint them and give your own touch.

Creative Ideas for old chairs

Old Boots

Believe me, old boots are incredible pot plants to your flowers! If you have some shoes that you don´t use anymore it´s just add some soil inside them and plant your flowers in. As they have a nice shape you can hang some on your fence or wall, or just let them in some corner of your garden. The boot´s material can give a nice touch to it since they will be outside in the weather and after some while they will be rustic and included in the decoration.

Creative Ideas for old boots

Old Musical Instruments

If you like music or play any musical instrument you can add them to your garden decoration! Broken pianos, guitars, saxophones and cellos can be transformed in creative places to plant your flowers! Place your old musical enstruments in a special area of your garden and decorate them with different plants and flowers! This idea will bring a charming effect to your garden.

Creative Ideas for old musical enstruments

Old Teapots

Use oldteapots as home for your plants and flowers. You can hang them somewhere in your garden or place them on the floor to bring a creative look. My favorites are the old style ones made of pottery but you can also use from other materials. More teapots you use, more charming your garden will be!

Creative Ideas for old teapots

Old Crocs

These shoes became really famous in the last years and turned a fever among kids and teenagers around the world. However, what to do with these colorful rubber shoes after they are old? You can use them to hold your plants and flower in your garden! This idea will bring a funny and original style to your garden and will call attention of all who pass in front of your garden.

Creative Ideas for old crocs

Old Drawers

Perfect to plant vegetables and bigger plants because of their large size drawers can be really useful in a garden. You can use only oneold draweror all the dresser to create a beautiful and creative place for your plants.

Creative Ideas for old drawers