DIY Pillow

Better than have a nice rest is having something comfortable to do that. For the ones who love sleeping we selected some amazing pillow ideas that it is possible to be copy for anyone with some sewing ability and lots of creativity. Have a look in our ideas and choose the best one for you. After that is only wait to have a good night with these comfortable pillows!

The Hug Pillow

Really funny but at same time comfortable and cozy, the hug pillowwill never let you sleep alone anymore. Made with half of a shirt and one glove, this pillow is perfect to hug and relax dreaming with your true love!

Creative pillows you can do at home 2

The U Pillow

For the ones who need pillows everywhere when sleeping this is a perfect idea. Instead of placing lots of pillows between legs and arms, under head and on your back you can have a big one that do all of this job for you. The U pillow is comfortable and can be used in different positions. You will feel cuddle between it!

Creative pillows you can do at home 3

Pillow Bed

This project is more than a pillow, it is a bed! It consists offive pillows sewn together that form a mattress which can be used in different parts of the house. This idea is perfect for kids and adults and it is also practical since you can fold the pillows above each other and keep them in a small space.

Creative pillows you can do at home 1

Giant Pillow

This idea is in fact a big bean bag chair in a giant pillow shape. The giant pillow is perfect for any situation: rest, watch TV, read a book and even to sleep! If you have a crowded house you can make a couple of pillows and place in the common areas. Much more comfortable and stylish than chairs!

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Puzzle Pillows

What about creating a set of pillows inspired in puzzle pieces? You can use the pillows alone or connected together creating bigger ones! Apart of comfortable this idea it is really funny and perfect to decorate any part of your house, especially kids’ room!

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