Decorative Ice Cubes

Do you want to decorate your drinks in a different and useful way? Here is the solution: you can use theice cubes to do this! How it works? Just add some fruits or/and flowers in your ice trays before you put them into the freezer. This will transform your ice cubes in mini pieces of art and will make your drinkselegant and creative!

Decorative Ice Cubes

You can choose just one kind of fruit and flower or mix them in the same cube. The decoration and creativity is up to you but is always important to wash them before freeze or your drink will be inappropriate to be consumed.

After placing cold water in the trails put somefruits or flowers inside them. The best ones are the small ones like cherries, grapes, strawberries and blueberries because you don´t need to cut them. However, if you want to use the big ones there is no problem but they may let their taste in the ice since they will need to be cut in pieces to fit in the tray.

Decorative Ice Cubes

For flowers you can use small ones too as violets or mini daises. From the big ones you will use only the petals, roses and tulips are good ones! Herbs are nice too as they can give a small flavor in your drink: mint, chamomile and lemon balm are good ideas!

Your parties and cocktails will be more charming and your guests will be impressed with your creativity and ability to transform simple things in unique decorative pieces.

Decorative Ice Cubes