DIY Old T-shirts

If you have some old t-shirts that you are not using anymore don´t throw them away! Have a look at these amazing and fashion accessories made only with fabric pieces that will give a new look to your daily outfits and let you more confident and beautiful!

DIY Old T-shirt Bracelets

Use some stripes of different colored t-shirts to make these amazing bracelets! It is only to cut the stripes in the same length and join them with a knot in one of the edges. Let a bit of fabric up the knot to tie the bracelet on your arms when you finish. Then use your creativity to make a beautiful and tight braid. When you finish the braid, tie its edge with another piece of fabric and cut the leftover part. Now, to tie it in your arms, you need to make a small role with a scissor in the fabric you leftover in the beginning and use the same fabric you tied the braid in the end to make a loop.

DIY Accessories reusing old t-shirts (3)

DIY Old T-shirt Necklaces

Perfect to be used in any situation, with this idea you can create different and beautiful necklaces! Use the bottom part of a t-shirt to cut the stripes in a ring form. Be careful with the type of fabric you choose, the soft ones work better and give a nice shape for the stripes. To make the fabric curl you must pull it strong after you cut. Now it is only join lots of stripes together and tie them with another one. You can make more than one tie to give a different look to your necklace. Use your creativity.

DIY Accessories reusing old t-shirts (2)

DIY Old T-shirt Scarves

Perfect for not so cold but still cool days. These scarves can protect you and still give a nice look to your outfit. You will only need the bottom part of a t-shirt (right below the arms) and some creativity. Larger is the t-shirt longer will be your scarf since the bottom edge will be where you put your neck. In the other edge you will make some fringes cutting approximately until the middle of the fabric. Pull the stripes to make them curl! You can make small knots on the stripes tips or even place some beads to make it more beautiful.

DIY Accessories reusing old t-shirts (4)

DIY Old T-shirt Headbands

Very similar to the bracelets technic, these headbands are very easy and simple to do. Cut the t-shirt stripes in the length you will need for the head. Knot the edges and make a braid with them. You can make the braid on all the headband length or only in the middle but remember to make it very tight. Use another piece of fabric to knot the end and join with the first part. You beautiful headbandis ready to be used!

DIY Accessories reusing old t-shirts