Cake Stand Ideas

Throwing a party is always tiring and time consuming. You have lots of arrangements to make about food, drinks, guests, music and decoration. One of the most important things in a party is the cake. However, there is no point in spending lots of money in an amazing cake if its presentation is not good. The place where you are going to put the cake must be as beautiful as it and complement the party decoration. To help you in this mission, we prepared someincredible DIY projects of unique and wonderful cake stands using simple and cheap materials that will let your guests amazed with your creativity.

Tree Trunk Cake Stand

Rustic and with a natural look, thiscake stand is perfect for themed kids parties or wedding celebrations. You will need two pieces of tree trunks, the first one is a “cross-cut wood plaque” (round or oval) and the second one a “cross-section of a tree limb” (parallel on top and bottom). You can find these two pieces of wood in crafts or gardening shops. Apply some wood glue on the tree limb top surface and place the wood plaque in the center of it pressing down firmly. Use a wood clamp to keep the pressure for some hours until the glue is dry. If you don´t have this tool you can use something heavy as books. After some hours your tree trunk cake stand will be ready to be used!

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Glass Cake Stand

If you have some stemware left somewhere in your cupboard without any use, you can easily transform them in nice cupcake stands for your parties and celebrations. Apart from the stemware you will need some plates, household silicone sealant, frosted glass spray paint and color spray paint. Cover the surface you will work with some paper and place the plate upside down. Center the stemware on the top of plate and prime both of pieces with frosted glass spray. Wait them dry and do the same with the color spray paint (do more than one coat if necessary). When it is dry, turn up your cake stand and do the same on top. Apply the silicone to join both pieces only in the end because the spray paint doesn’t fix on it. Use the ring where there is no paint to guide you while applying the silicone. Make some pressure and wait one day to use your cake stand.

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Terra-Cotta Cake Stand

Following the same idea from the previous one, you can also useterra-cotta pieces to create different and nice cake stands. You will need a terra-cotta pot and a terra-cotta plate in an appropriate size to each other, super glue, primer spray paint and clear coat spray. If you want change the color you will also need a color paint spray. Glue the pot in the center of the plate. Apply a coat of primer and wait it dry. If you want to change the color of your cake stand you must apply the new color now and last the clear coat spray. Always wait one coat dry before apply the other one. Your new terra-cotta stand is ready to be used.

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Wood Cake Stand

Elegant and really simple, this idea is perfect for weddings and special parties. Go to a craft shop and buy two round wood boards in different sizes (a bigger one to top and a smaller one to base) and a long and beautiful single candle holder. Use wood glue to join the pieces together. Be careful to place the candle holder in the center of both boards or your cake stand won´t be steady. After glue dries use some wood spray paint to color your cake stand and make it more beautiful.

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