Marble Candle Holder

While I was surfing on internet, I came across thiscreative marble candle holder project and decided to write about it.My brother used to play with that kind ofmarbles during his childhood and he used to have lots of them. However, after growing up, he stopped playing with them and the consequence was lots of useless marble at home. I wish we could have seen this cool project at that time to reuse all those marbles in a creative way. Anyway, if like me, you have lots of marbles at home and don’t know what to do with them, thiscreative DIY project is perfect for you.It is a really simple and easy project that can be done for anyone at home.

DIY Marble Candle Holder Project 2

-Marbles (same sizes)

-An old CD or DVD

– Instant glue

-A small candle that fits in the holder

DIY Marble Candle Holder Project 1

Firstly, clean the CD/DVD well and turn the smooth face up.Then, glue the marbles around the CD/DVD using instant glue.You should glue them one by one and don’t glue the next marble unless you are sure that the previous one are well fixed and it won´t move. After finishing the first circle around the CD/DVD you will start a new one, always waiting for the glue dry before placing the next marble.You can make as much circles as you want, you will decide the size of your candle holder! After finishing the circles, your marble candle is done! As you see it is very simple but it will fascinate you eyes when you use it.

DIY Marble Candle Holder Project 3