Tips For Trips

Travelling with kidsis not something easy. If you don’t plan and organize things very well the holiday can be transformed in a mess and instead of having fun and relaxing you will come home angry and stressed. To help you in this task we selected some creative and essential tips that will help you a lot during your trip and make it more enjoyable for everyone.

1) Organizers

More organized you are less stressed you will be when you need something. Use plastic bags with labels to organize essential things as medicines, toiletries, accessories, kids’ games, craft materials… This will prevent them to disappear inside you bag and you waste lots of time and effort looking for them.

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2) Separate The Outfits

An intelligent way of packing your kids clothes is using different plastic bags for each outfit. Chose the entire outfit at home and pack it in a plastic bag (upper part, bottom part, underwear, accessories) this will make easier when you need dress them because you won’t take all clothes inside bag to look for pieces. When the day is over you put the dirty clothes in the same bag and it is done!

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4) Toys and Games

If you are travelling with kids you must understand that they need something to distract them during the trip. Toys, games, craft materials and books are good options to make them busy when they are anxious or impatient. Separate their favorite ones to be used during the trip and let them play a lot.

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4) Car Organizer

As we have just seen, kids need lots of things to keep them busy and entertained so an essential thing to have if you are travelling by car is an organizer that you can place in the back of the seat. There you can put everything: toys, bottles, craft material, food and they are all accessible to the kids when they need them.

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5) Food Kit

Prepare a mix of different things to take with you in the trip and place them in a single place. This will make easier for kids chose what they want to eat and let the car free from those plastic packages.

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6) Cleaning Supplies

Some things are essential when travelling with kids: baby wipes, extra clothes, towels and a trash bag. It doesn´t matter how old are them, they always pour something on their clothes or get sick during the trip. So have these items always in hands is something more than necessary.

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