The Power of the Colors

Colors have a great influence in our mood and in how do we feel over the places where we are in. With the right colorsyou can create a comfortable environment for different purposes. So if you want to give a new look in any room of your house, it is time to check the color pallet and see how do they affect your emotions.


This is a refine and calm color and it won´t work very well for rooms that need a lively and casual atmosphere. The white can be used in places that need be clean and simple. This color is good for small places since it gives a larger sensation.



Considered a cold color, blue is associated with air and water and it is often used in bathrooms. It can be used in working places and kids’ bedroom since it brings tranquility. The light shades bring a calm sensation while the dark shades of blue bring a feeling of purity and trust.



This fun and vibrant color brings ahappy atmosphere for the room. It can be used in its dark shades in the furniture and decorative objects. On the walls the light shades are the best ones to no make the room tiring. It is a good option for home offices and study rooms.



Lots of designers consider this color a problem since it is associated with female and with kids. However there are lots of shades of pink that can transform the room fresh and luxurious.



Apart of bringing a fresh and natural atmosphere for the place, the green color can transmit a calm and relaxing sensation in its light shades. Feel free to use it in bedrooms and living-rooms.



It is perfect for decorating roomsand those corners of the house that you use to read and relax. It gives a touch of elegance to the environment, but should be used with moderation since it also refers to sadness and melancholy.



The color of passion and happiness is perfect to be used in living rooms and kitchens. The good vibration of the color also can whet the appetite and make the room lively. But be careful, because the excess of red can let the place heavy and tiring, increasing the heart rate.



It is a comfortable warm color and it provides arustic style for the room. This color transmits tranquility, thrust and comfort and can be used with opposite colors.



If you think the color black cannot be in your home decor, you’re wrong. It is a powerful color, incredibly simple and elegant for the office, for example. But do not forget to leave the well-lit space, using source of natural and artificial light.
