DIY Eyeshadows

What to do when that favorite eyeshadow breaks and it is impossible to use? Don’t freak out! Broken makeup has a solution! Learn how to use and adapt what you already have avoiding waste of money and recycling, especially that expensive products, into new ones instead of buying again and run the risk of breaking again. You can also use the same technique with blush and face powder.

How to fix broken eyeshadows (4)

To compact again your eyeshadow you will only need some drops of liquid alcohol! Yes! That simple one you have at home!

How to fix broken eyeshadows

Firstly transform your eyeshadowpieces into dust. You can use a pencil to help you breaking the bigger pieces into small ones. Then apply some drops of alcohol (you can use a dropper) carefully. The eyeshadow must be wet but without pools.

How to fix broken eyeshadows (2)

Then start pressuring the mixture with your fingers carefully. If you don’t want get dirty you can place a piece of plastic between your fingers and the mixture. Let it dry for some hours and after that you have your favorite eyeshadow new again and ready to be used!

How to fix broken eyeshadows (3)