Creative Wall Painting

The color of your house and rooms can tell a lot about you and your personality. The room paint can influence not only in the decoration but even in the mood of its residents and bring feelings as calm, anxiety, attention and hunger. If you are not happy with the color of your room or if you want to change it for a better one we will give you some ideas of how to make a creative wall using paint and simple objects and tools.

Painting a wall requires patience and ability. Before starting your work it is important to protect the floor and other parts of house as windows and doors (you can use newspapers and tapes to do this). Another important step is checking if the wall is smooth and with no dust. To cover some imperfections and holes you can use a bit of spackles (after it dry you must sand the patches).

Prepare the paint as it is as explained in the can and cover the wall using a roller paint and a tray (never soak the roller directly in the can). Now, you are ready to put into practice these creative ideas to make your wall unique and modern.

Wall Stamp

You can use many different things to stamp your wall. From leaves to professional stamps, they will bring an innovative look to your house and give an upgrade in the decoration. Choose a paint color that will match with the background color. Apply a coat of paint in your stamp and press it against the wall. It is really important to consider the layout before start stamping and be patient. This is a through work but in the end it is worthwhile.

creative wall painting

Wall Stencil

Despite of being similar to the previous one, this idea is much simpler and better for the ones who are adventure themselves in painting for the first time. Choose a stencil (you can buy ready ones or print an image from internet and use a stylus to cut it) and a color that will match with the background. As the wall stamp technique, it is important to consider the layout before starting and be sure that your stencil is well tied in.

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Wall Sponging

This simple and cheap tool can give a professional and incredible look to your wall. The final effect will depend on how you will use it.You can use same or different color for the background paint and the one you will use in the sponge. You can also have a different effect during the application. You can choose soak the sponge in the paint (always removing the excess) or apply the color in the wall and after this flap the sponge on it. In any of the options the result will be incredible.

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Wall Rag Rolling

You can do the same process of the sponge using a rag. The effect will be a bit different and it will also depend on how you use it. You can roll the rag on the wall, give pats or rub softly. Don´t forget to change the rag when it becomes saturated and to remove the excess of paint before apply it on the wall.

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Wall Brushing

Another interesting and creative way to give an effect on your wall is using a brush with stiff bristle. After applying paint on the wall, pass the brush gentle to give a linear wood look. You can also find some professional tools in paint shops that provide a spectacular effect in the paint.

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