Make Up Magnet Board

Do you love make up and have thousands of them at home but always use the same ones because they are on top of the box and you don’t have time to look for the ones missed on the bottom? This idea will solve all your problems! In this post we are going to show you how to make a magnet board to place all your makeup and let them always in sight when you need them. This magnet board is perfect to be placed on your bathroom, closets or near your dresser and apart from being useful it is a really nice decorative piece to your house.

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The materials are really easy to find and not expensive. All you will need are:

– A picture frame on the size you want your magnet board (can be an old one)

– A sheet of metal that fits in the frame (you can buy this on supply stores)

– Contact paper or a piece of fabric

– Magnets

– Hot glue

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How to do it:

Start covering the sheet of metal with the contact paper or the piece of fabric. If you choose the last option use hot glue to help you and try to make the fabric as smooth as possible.

Then use the hot glue to fix the magnets on the bottom of your makeup. Place the sheet of metal in the frame (if necessary you can apply a bit of hot glue to fix the sheet in the frame).

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Now it is only arrange your make up on yourmagnet board! A nice idea is using some plastic cups with magnets to place your brushes and other kinds of makeup that you can´t place on board. I´m sure your life will be much simpler and easy with this simple and creative idea!

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