Creativity For Socks

If you think that socks only serve to cover your feet before wearing shoes you are wrong! We are here to prove you that they can be more versatile than you think and help you a lot in your daily life. Old socks or new ones can be repurposed in different and creative ways making your life much simpler and better. So, if you have some socks stocked in a drawer and don´t know what to do with them here are some excellent ideas that will amaze you. Enjoy!

1) Socks For Cleaning

As socks have the right size to put your hand in, they are perfect to be used when you are cleaning your house. Don´t throw away those old socks! Use them to dust flat surfaces, clean windows and even the floor!

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2) Decorating With Socks

You can use some new and beautiful socks to decorate your house. How? Only using them to cover vases, candle holders and even your mugs! Cut their upper part in the right size you will need them. Now it is only “wear” that simple and odd vases and mugs with a cute sock and make your life more colorful and beautiful. Perfect for winter days!

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3) Socks To Protect The Floor

If you have small kids at home you know how they like dragging chairs around the house. The consequence is your beautiful floor all scratched and damaged! A nice idea to avoid this is using socks to cover tables and chairs legs. Cut the socks in the size you will need them and sew one of the edges. Now you don´t have to worry anymore!

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4) Gift Pack Socks

Yes! Socks are perfect to be used as a gift pack for drink bottles! Apart from giving a funny look they protect the glass of being broken and give a lovely look to your gift. Chose a beautiful new sock to put the bottle in and use a ribbon to tie the upper part. Perfect for Christmas and special dates!

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5) Cell Phone Case

Protect your cellphone in a lovely and cozy way. Use some cute new socks to make a new case for it. It is only cut the upper part in the right size of your cell phone and sew the bottom. You can make lots of different cases, one for each day of the week! Useful and cheap!

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6) Cellphone/ MP3 Arm Holder

If you like doing exercise but never find a place to put your cellphone or MP3 while you are working out this idea is perfect for you. Cut an old sock and use it as a holder in your arm. Now you can listen songs while doing exercise and keep your cellphone or MP3 player safe from falling and get damage.

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7) Socks Puppets

Why don´t you create something new to enjoy your kids while they are at home? Use old socks to create funny puppets and use them to tell nice stories. You can sew buttons for the eyes and a bit of wool on the top for the hair. They will love this idea!

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